Careers related to studying Core Maths:
Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths) is a relatively new qualification designed for students to help to develop their mathematical skills and thinking and supports courses such as A-level Psychology, Sciences and Geography as well as technical and vocational qualifications.
Mathematical Studies aims to prepare students for the mathematical demands of higher education and work where there is a distinct mathematical or statistical element, but where the mathematical demands do not stretch to a requirement for A-level Mathematics. This course is awarded grades A B C D E which lead to equivalent UCAS points as an AS qualification
Entry requirements:
You must have achieved a grade 5 at GCSE Mathematics to study the Level 3 Certificate in Mathematical Studies (Core Maths).
This qualification will consolidate students’ mathematical understanding, build their confidence and competence in applying mathematical techniques to solve a range of problems and introduce them to new techniques and concepts that will prepare them for further study and future employment within a broad range of academic, professional and technical fields.
Methods of study:
Much of your work in lessons will be guided by the teacher and will be completing questions individually, although there will be some small group work within lessons. You should expect to complete approximately 2-3 hours of independent study outside of your lessons per week. This will mainly be completing further questions from the exercises, making revision notes from lessons and later in the course, completing past exam questions.
Course content:
The course focuses on applications of Mathematics. Topics include Analysis of data (including spreadsheets and tabular), Maths for personal finance and some useful applications of Statistics such as the normal distribution, probabilities and estimation and correlation and regression.
Methods of assessment:
There is no coursework or controlled assessment for this course. There are two written exam papers taken at the end of the course that are equally weighted as follows:
Paper 1 – Compulsory Content
3.1 Analysis of data
3.2 Maths for personal finance
3.3 Estimation
Paper 2A – Statistics
3.4 Critical analysis of given data and models (including spreadsheets and tabular)
3.5 The normal distribution
3.6 Probabilities and estimation
3.7 Correlation and regression
Both are 1 hour 30 minutes and worth 60 marks, 50% of the final grade each. A scientific calculator or graphics calculator is allowed in each paper.