Careers related to studying BTEC Sport:
BTEC Sport will equip you with the necessary skills required for a range of sport related pathways from sports coaching to gym management or to studying sport at university and many more possible routes.
Many of our students progress on to employment or university to study sport related degrees such as teaching; physiotherapy; Sports Coaching; and Sport Science as well as other non-sport related fields.
Course content:
BTEC Sport Foundation Diploma is the equivalent to studying 1.5 A- Level’s. The course is for someone who has a real passion for Sport and Fitness. You will study using a mixture of academic, vocational and practical methods. In Unit 1 you will explore how the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems function and the fundamentals of the energy systems. In Unit 2 you will explore client screening and lifestyle assessment, fitness training methods and fitness programming to support improvements in a client’s health and well-being. In Unit 3 you will explore the knowledge and skills required for different career pathways in the sports industry. In Unit 4 you will examine the characteristics of effective sport or exercise leadership and be given the opportunity to demonstrate your own planning and delivery of a sport or exercise session.
Entry requirements:
You must have achieved at least a Grade 6 in PE at GCSE or Merit or above in BTEC Sport.
Methods of study:
Pass, Merit and Distinction are awarded based on the number of criteria met in each unit. There are five lessons per week which are taught by the PE staff based on their area of specialism within PE and Sport. The course is taught using a mixture of practical and theoretical strategies and this is related to the world of sport and students own sporting experiences wherever possible.
Strategies include group and individual presentations, practical diary logs, practical fitness tests, individual and team game sessions and the opportunity to coach younger children in a range of sports.
Methods of assessment:
Students will study 7 units of which 4 are mandatory. The remaining 3 units will be selected based on the strengths and needs of the class.
66% of the course is assessed via assignments set by the teacher.
44% of the course is externally assessed via a 1.5-hour exam and set task.