4. Students

Year 7

As a Year 7 student, you will be involved with a range of Careers Education, Information, and Guidance (CEIAG) over the duration of your school year. You will have regular Form time CEIAG activities to take part in and you will also have your very own ‘Everyone Succeeds’ day.

Y7 ‘Everyone Succeeds’ day is a whole day (off timetable) where you are involved in developing your understanding of the world of work through exciting ‘Dragon’s Den’ style activities. During the day, you will learn to develop an understanding of your own skills, as well as the world of business.

You will also have full access to all our CEIAG Resources:

  • Assemblies from aspirational speakers, Career Connect and other external providers.
  • Aspirations week – marketplace event where you can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers
  • Aspirations Day/ Evening – a marketplace event where students and parents can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers and speak with Career Connect Advisors.
  • Careers Connect –Drop-ins (lunchtime every Tuesday).
  • Unifrog, Careers Connect portal and other on-line websites.
  • Advice from teachers – subject and key stage career notice boards

Year 8

As a Year 8 student, you will be involved with a range of Careers Education, Information, and Guidance (CEIAG) over the duration of your school year. You will have regular Form time CEIAG activities to take part in and you will also have your very own ‘Everyone Succeeds’ day.

Y8 ‘Everyone Succeeds’ day is focused around ‘Meeting the Professionals’ where you will be involved in hearing from a variety of real working professionals about their career journeys and experiences. With a high number of job sectors covered, you will be able to ask questions and engage in meaningful conversations with professionals in fields that interest you, as well as industries that you didn’t realise exist.

You will also have full access to all our CEIAG Resources:

  • Assemblies from aspirational speakers, Career Connect and other external providers.
  • Aspirations week – marketplace event where you can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers
  • Aspirations Day/ Evening – a marketplace event where students and parents can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers and speak with Career Connect Advisors.
  • Careers Connect –Drop-ins (lunchtime every Tuesday).
  • Unifrog, Careers Connect Portal and other on-line websites.
  • Advice from teachers – subject and Key Stage career notice boards

Year 9

As a Year 9 student, you will be involved with a range of Careers Education, Information, and Guidance (CEIAG) over the duration of your school year. You will have regular Form time CEIAG activities to take part in and you will also have your very own Everyone Succeeds day.

Y9 Everyone Succeeds day is a whole day (off timetable) where you are involved in developing your understanding of future career and education pathways. The day will be spent visiting a local university to find out more about Higher Education. The other half day will be spent learning about apprenticeships and career pathways and how GCSE option choices can impact these decisions.

You will also have full access to all our CEIAG Resources:

  • Assemblies from aspirational speakers, Career Connect and other external providers.
  • Careers Connect – individual or group Careers Guidance appointments (by request).
  • Unifrog, Careers Connect Portal and other on-line websites.
  • Advice from teachers – subject and key stage career notice boards
  • Aspirations week – marketplace event where you can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers
  • Aspirations Day/ Evening – a marketplace event where students and parents can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers and speak with Career Connect Advisor

Year 10

As a Year 10 student, you will be involved with a range of Careers Education, Information, and Guidance (CEIAG) over the duration of your school year. You will have regular Form time CEIAG activities to take part in and you will also have your very own Everyone Succeeds day.

Y10 Everyone Succeeds day is a part day (off timetable) where you are involved in developing your understanding of the world of work. During the day, you will take part in the national ‘Skills and Enterprise Week’ competition (delivered through Unifrog) where you will develop your own employability skills whilst gaining an insight into the world of the entrepreneur. You will also take part in a Virtual Work Experience through a platform called ‘Spingpod’ who are a reputable company that aims to enable every young person to experience a university course or career before they apply. Their work experience programmes showcase the day-to-day life across various careers, enabling students to explore workplaces and complete real workplace-related activities. Each experience varies but they can involve feedback and opportunities to interact with employers in a safeguarded environment.

You will also have full access to all our CEIAG Resources:

  • Assemblies from aspirational speakers, Career Connect and other external providers.
  • Careers Connect – individual or group Careers Guidance appointments
  • Unifrog, Careers Connect Portal and other on-line websites.
  • Advice from teachers – subject and key stage career notice boards.
  • Aspirations week – marketplace event where you can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers – hosted via school website.
  • Aspirations Day/ Evening – a marketplace event where students and parents can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers and speak with Career Connect Advisors.

Year 11

As a Year 11 student, you will be involved with a range of Careers Education, Information, and Guidance (CEIAG) over the duration of your school year. You will have regular Form time CEIAG activities to take part in and you will also have your very own Everyone Succeeds day.

Y11 Everyone Succeeds day is a whole day (off timetable) where you are involved in developing your understanding of ‘next steps’. During the day, you will visit ‘The National Apprenticeship Show” and participate in sessions designed to provide you with an insight into choosing and applying for Post 16 choices, as well as options available Post 18.

You will also have full access to all our CEIAG Resources:

  • Assemblies from aspirational speakers, Career Connect and other external providers.
  • Careers Connect: individual or group Careers Guidance appointments.
  • Unifrog, Careers Connect Portal and other on-line websites.
  • Advice from teachers – subject and Key Stage career notice boards.
  • Aspirations week – marketplace event where you can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers – hosted via school website.
  • Aspirations Day/ Evening – a marketplace event where students and parents can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers and speak with Career Connect Advisors.

Year 12/13

As a sixth form student, your Post 18 and career choices become even more important as your start Year 12. As such, you will receive a wide range of useful information during Form time, assemblies and Tutorials. Topics covered by internal and guest speakers include:

  • University choices and application processes
  • Higher and Degree level apprenticeships and application processes
  • Gap year and student travel
  • Student finance and budgeting
  • Charity work and fundraising

You will also take part in a two-week work experience placement at the end of Year 12, to develop your understanding of the world of work and support your future choices.

‘Employability Days’ are also a key part of CEIAG throughout Year 12. Here, you will experience small group sessions with lots of different employers and employees in your field(s) of interest. You will also get the chance to visit a university, hear from apprenticeship providers and receive excellent support and guidance on your next steps.

Students will have access to a UCAS coordinator to support them through their Post 18 decisions or apprenticeship or UCAS applications and interviews.

The ‘Honours Programme’ is also in place to support our highest achievers with their Post-18 decisions around High Ranking and Oxbridge university choices. This programme includes half termly workshops focusing on researching choices, career pathways, scholarships and summer schools. Students also visit an additional High Ranking universities and have the opportunity to take part in the Oxbridge national conference, and attend a residential to both universities in the summer of Year 12. Links have also been made with representatives from universities to provide external workshops at key points of the year around applications and interviews, as well as bespoke support in collaboration with another local Sixth Form college to ensure students have a realistic interview preparation experience.

You will also have full access to all our CEIAG Resources:

  • Careers Connect –Drop-ins (lunchtime every Tuesday) and individual or group appointments.
  • Assemblies aspirational speakers, Career Connect and other external providers
  • Employer engagement opportunities
  • Unifrog, Careers Connect Portal and other on-line websites.
  • Advice from teachers – subject and career notice boards.
  • Careers Resources (in the study area) – Prospectuses and careers publications.
  • Virtual Aspirations Week – marketplace event where you can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers – hosted via school website.
  • Aspirations Day/ Evening – a marketplace event where students and parents can collect information from a wide range of employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers and speak with Career Connect Advisor