At Rainford our school ethos is:
Everyone Matters
We expect our community to be polite and respectful
Everyone Helps
We expect our community to make sensible choices
Everyone Succeeds
We expect our community to work hard
Every student and staff member is equal and we want everyone to receive the support that they need to be happy and successful.
As part of our LGBTQIA+ support and developments we want every member of the community to:
Be proud to be yourself
We offer support to all students in our school community around LGBTQIA+, whether they identify as being in the LGBTQIA+ community or otherwise.
Key Staff:
Mr Kenyon – Vice Principal
Pastoral Leader – Mrs McCartney
How to access support:
- If you need support with any issues, you can always log this on SHARP (See the SHARP button on the home page) and you can submit your concerns.
- If you have a query relating to LGBTQIA+ then you can email [email protected] and Mr Kenyon and Mrs McCartney will arrange for you to receive some support from our pastoral team.
- Speak to your tutor or member of the pastoral team.
- Attend the support group (Details shown below).
- You can receive support from other members of our LGBTQIA+ community – just email [email protected] and we will look into this for you.
LGBTQ+ Society
If you want to speak to other students from our LGBTQIA+ community or would like to speak to a staff member about LGBTQIA+ and how you are feeling then please speak to Miss Mcintosh who will provide you with further details on how you can join the LGBTQIA+ society. It is a great way to make new friends and receive support. You can either come once of become a regular member.
If would like to ask any questions then speak to Miss Mcintosh, Mr Kenyon, Mrs McCartney or any member of the pastoral team.
Please see the below policies on our policies page for further information on LGBTQAI+ support
- Equality Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Behaviour for Learning Policy
- Uniform Policy
- RSE Policy
Support Services and Links:
Local Support Groups:
The Proud Trust
Twitter –
Over the Rainbow – 01744 457243
Key Person – Emma
Gyro Liverpool
Support groups for parents
Arms Out
Manchester Parents Group
0808 801 0400
Stone Wall – Acceptance with exceptions
0800 0502020
Email: [email protected]