“The more that you read the more that you will know the more that you learn the more places you will go.”
Why is reading so important?
Whether or not reading is something we enjoy, we cannot deny that the ability to read is a fundamental skill and to be able to read with confidence is very important. In a world where there are so many other things we could be doing with our time, reading often falls to the bottom of the pile. With a screen to entertain us, why would anyone take the time to pick up a book? Here is why……
- Reading increases vocabulary and helps to improve communication skills
- Reading makes us better spellers and writers
- Reading improves focus and concentration
- Reading improves imagination
- Reading reduces stress
- Reading improves memory
- Reading increases intellect and leads to academic success
- Reading increases capacity for empathy
- Reading is entertaining
Research suggests Children who read books often at age 10 and more than once a week at age 16 gain higher results in maths, vocabulary and spelling tests at age 16 than those who read less regularly.
At Rainford High your child will be encouraged to read in different ways throughout the curriculum in lesson time, your child will also be asked to read 12 articles per year per subject through homework’s set by subject teachers. They will be asked to take a short quiz after each of the articles to check their comprehension of what they have read.
What can I do at home to support my child’s reading development and help them to reach that 15 years and 6 months reading age to access the GCSE paper
At Key Stage 3 you can –
Help your child to find a text that they enjoy. Let your child see you reading and discuss books that you have read.
Visit local libraries and book shops regularly and look for books that link to your child’s interests, films or hobbies. Choose books that are an appropriate reading level, to avoid frustration.
News articles, current events, comics and non-fiction books are all good ways of encouraging reading for pleasure.
It is recommended that 15-30 minutes of reading will have great benefits and will help students to develop a love of reading. If your child is willing, choose sections of the text to discuss and tease out some of the issues that crop up.
At Key Stage 4 you can –
Open a discussion about what your child dislikes, or finds difficult about reading and try to establish a way to make a change.
Encourage your child to find texts they enjoy; choice and interest is key. This can be non-fiction and extracts rather than a whole text to start. You may find text ideas together, from your own selection, or seek advice from school. Use the school library or English department to access fiction and non-fiction extracts for them to explore. This will establish the right subject matter, before concentrating on an entire text.
Seek out fiction and/ or non-fiction linked to your child’s interests. Biographies of well- known Scientists, The Enigma Machine for students who enjoy maths for example.
Useful links:
- PiXL Unlock
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/advice-for-parents/reading-at-home/helping-struggling-readers/top-tips-for-helping-struggling-readers-at-home/ – This website is with tips to help struggling readers
- https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/bookfinder/
- https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/
- https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/