Year 11 ‘Be Brilliant’ day, letter for parents

22nd November 2018

Dear Parent / Carer

RE: Year 11 ‘Be Brilliant’ day

Now that your child is in Year 11, they have some important decisions to make about their Post 16 options and pathways into their future careers. This can be quite a daunting and confusing process, but we are hoping to make it a little easier.

On Tuesday 4th December, the whole of Year 11 will take part in a ‘Be Brilliant’ day to help support them in developing their future aspirations. Their usual timetable will be collapsed, and they will take part in a number of activities to help better inform them. These activities consist of several workshops focusing on pertinent topics such as apprenticeships, university options, application writing and potential pathways into careers. Your child will also get to speak to our current Sixth Form students about their A level and Post 18 progression choices in a student-led session.

Following on from this event, there will be a Parent Information Evening on the same day, from 6-6.30pm, in the school auditorium. Here you will receive pertinent information and guidance which will be useful to you as you guide your son/daughter’s decisions at home. Please note: this session will be an exact repeat of the Aspirations Evening presentation which took place on 15th November. If you attended that, you do not need to attend this as well.

Students are permitted to wear their own clothes for this event. Please be advised that your son/daughter should present themselves appropriately and in a way that positively represents the school. Any students in inappropriate attire (e.g. cropped tops, excessive make up, garments with offensive slogans, shorts etc) will not be permitted to take part in the sessions.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Catherine Benbow

Director of Sixth Form (whole school IAG)