6. Career Connect

Career Connect are a charity that works to drive social mobility and raise aspirations. They empower people of all ages with the confidence, skills and knowledge to move forward in education, training and employment.

Career Connect empower students to create better futures by increasing access to employment, training and education. They train careers information, advice and guidance professionals, and undertake research to influence impactful change.

Career Connect pride themselves on their values below:

  • Inclusive: we believe diversity is a strength and each person should be supported to achieve the best possible outcomes, irrespective of their background.
  • Person-centred: we care about students as individuals, we advise and advocate on their behalf so that they can achieve their goals.
  • Aspirational: we are committed to raising aspirations and achieving a greater level of social mobility.
  • Impartial: we work independently as a charity, to broaden horizons and help people to find an opportunity that’s right for them.
  • Professional: we are passionate about our work;  we are highly skilled and knowledgeable, working with integrity to achieve results.

“As the Career Connect Advisor in the school it is my job to help identify options for suitable career, build CVs, help students prepare for interviews, advise on college/university/apprenticeship applications and where to look for jobs”.  Elaine Meredith

In order to make an appointment with Elaine, students can request an appointment through their Learning Leader or use the drop in service every Wednesday lunchtime in C102.

If any parents would like to speak to the Career Connect Advisor regarding their child’s education, please contact the school directly or email [email protected].

Your Career Connect Advisor in school currently is Elaine Meredith.

Additional access to Career Connect or further information, advice and guidance can be found through accessing Career Connect website.