Rainford Reading Olympics

As we all know, the benefits of reading are limitless. Reading a book on a regular basis strengthens the brain and expands your vocabulary. It also increases your reading comprehension levels. Reading is magnificent for your metal health too; it’s a great way to relieve stress, increases your ability to empathise with others and can even help you to live longer!

We therefore want to use the unique situation in which we find ourselves as an opportunity for students, parents and staff to stop and take some time to reap the rewards of reading.

Therefore, from Monday 11th – Friday 15th May, we are going to have our first…

‘Rainford Reading Olympics’

What will the week involve?

  • Daily reading and physical challenges for pupils, parents and staff to complete
  • The launch of our new E-Platform (online reading platform) – you should have received an email about this fantastic resource last week
  • One week with a focus on reading for pleasure
  • Use of social media to engage pupils in sharing good practice and engagement – you will be able to follow the week via our Twitter and new Instagram account.
What we ask from you:
  • Encourage your child to choose a book to read during the Reading Olympics week. This could be a book from E-Platform or a book they already have at home.
  • Choose a book to read yourself! Children who see their parents read for pleasure are more likely to read for fun themselves and this can really motivate reluctant readers.
  • Your child must complete at least one of the daily reading challenges and email the evidence to their form tutor. Please encourage them to do this.
  • Try to get the whole family to join in with the challenges too! This is a great opportunity to have some fun as a family and enjoy reading together.
  • Talk to your child about the book that they have chosen. Ask them if they can predict what is going to happen next. Who is their favourite character and why? Can they summarise the chapter that they have just read to you? Ask them if they have found any new and unusual vocabulary in what they have read.

    We hope that you are excited about this week and we look forward to receiving evidence of the completed challenges from your families. This is a real chance for us all to focus on having some fun and building stronger relationships within our school community.