Y11 Mock Examinations and Intervention

Re: Y11 Mock Examinations and Intervention

Dear Parent/Carer,

You will be aware that the Year 11 mock examinations will commence on Monday 11th January and last for two weeks. All curriculum areas will be covered during this period and results published in early February should give you and your child a clear indication of how they are progressing in their GCSE subjects.

Further details will be conveyed to parents next week, but we wanted to give families an early indication of the support available at this time.

Individual departments are preparing resources and materials to support both content that should be revisited and skills students will need to demonstrate to be successful.

There will be videos produced to give general guidance on each examination paper and format by subject as well as revision sessions delivered by departments. They will commence next week and there will be 2 possible sessions per day between 4:30 and 5:30pm and 5:45 and 6:45pm. We will confirm next week’s sessions as soon as possible.

We will enable Y11 to use 2 form periods per week from 30th November to revise in school, in addition to sending weekly revision emails and updates to parents and students. More resources will be available to parents too to support your child in their preparations for the examinations and during the examination period.

Departments will also signpost students to additional material to support students’ revisiting of prior learning and content, often through Oak National Academy, Google Classroom or other online platforms. This is in addition to focused teaching in school designed to maximise students’ familiarity with examination formats and their confidence as they approach the examinations after Christmas. To guide your child in their revision, teaching staff will be setting revision homework on Show My Homework so please support your child in completing this focused revision.

The mock examination process will be shared w/c 30th November when it is expected timetables will be ready for students.

Please encourage your child to approach this mock examination period as they would their public examinations next summer; hopefully, they will use their results to determine their Post-16 opportunities by using them to apply for colleges and apprenticeships.

For your reference, we will develop an area of the school website to provide support and updates in this period.

This is a crucial period in your child’s education and any support you can provide in line with the school’s provision will be highly beneficial. If you have any queries regarding the exam process, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Cross ([email protected]), Year 11 Learning Leader, Miss Trivedi ([email protected]) or Year 11 Pastoral Leader, Miss Moreton ([email protected]).

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support during this crucial time in your child’s education.

Yours sincerely,

Mr I Murphy
