Dear Parent/Carer
We have taken the opportunity to be part of a clinical covid trial of daily contact testing which is being co-ordinated and managed by the Department of Health and Social Care, Department of Education, Office for National Statistics and ethics cleared by Public Health England. It will also be independently evaluated and overseen by an independent data monitoring committee and a trial steering group.
The trial allows, with permission, students and staff members who are identified as having had close contact in school with a case of Covid-19 to take a daily test each morning in school, for 7 days, and remain in school as long as each test is negative, reducing the amount of school days lost.
Detailed information about the trial, how data is used and how to give permission to be part of the trial is contained in the documents listed below, accompanied with this letter.
- Participation information Leaflet – Students – Intervention V1.14
- Rainford High School – COVID-19 Daily Contact Testing (DCT) Trial Privacy Notice – Intervention Arm
- Daily contact testing study intervention group consent form
Although this trial is only due to run to the summer I believe this is could be the way we will need to work in the coming winter, and it would be good to be prepared and able to maintain as much normality for our community as possible.
If you have any questions please email [email protected]
Thank you for your anticipated support in this matter.
Yours sincerely
Mr I Young