Dear Parent /Carer
Due to the number of cases rising to six this week and a general increase in the community levels of infection we will be tightening the existing preventative measures we are taking in school.
This means from tomorrow we are expecting all children to:
- maintain a safe distance where possible;
- wear face coverings on corridors, shared spaces and in classrooms;
- wash hands/ sanitise regularly;
- practise safe respiratory hygiene – ‘Catch it. Bin it. Kill it.’;
- sanitise desks in between lessons and sanitise on entry into classrooms;
- keep windows open.
- As we are part of a DFE ‘Close Contact in School Testing Pilot’ we are able to allow close contacts of positive case to come into school and test for a period of 7 days. If their results remain negative they can stay school and not self isolate.
Due to the rising number of cases, I would recommend – if you have not done so already – you consider doing so to support the drive in keeping your child in school.
Please can I also ask that all students continue to test twice weekly at home and register it on the NHS site as this will support controlling the spread of the virus.
At this point we are hoping to run into the end of the year with our Covid-safe events continuing to take place. However the changing local dynamic of Covid infections could still affect us in a negative manner.
Thank you for your ongoing patience and support.
Kind regards
Ian Young