Overarching Curriculum Statement:
Because Everyone Matters at Rainford High School, we are determined that every student is able to access an ambitious, broad, academic, fulfilling and exciting curriculum in their time at our school, building carefully from their experiences in KS2 and supporting progression from Year 7 through to pursuing further and higher education or careers from Year 11 and Year 13. We know how central an excellent education is to all students in enabling them to access their preferred choices – whether they are academic, vocational or technical – and enhance their life chances. In ensuring that our curriculum is broad and ambitious, with a strong academic core for all students, we will enable students to thrive academically, socially and personally, providing rich academic and cultural knowledge and experiences.
As Everyone Helps, our teachers will develop their skills and expertise through collaborative practice to ensure that the curriculum is delivered effectively, ensuring students develop the knowledge and skills essential to success and progression in their learning. Collaboratively constructed and carefully managed schemes of work clearly outline the required knowledge and skills essential to build progression to the end of each unit, year and Key Stage. Students’ knowledge and skills are assessed to establish the effectiveness of teaching, address gaps in students’ learning and to best secure key concepts to ensure progression through the curriculum for all students.
Our intent, ambition and implementation ensure that Everyone Succeeds, whatever their academic, social or personal circumstances. Students’ personal attributes and skills – discipline, independence, resilience and resourcefulness – allied to their academic qualifications, mean that each student is equipped to thrive in their personal journey.