The MFL department aims to stimulate a love of language learning in all pupils which will enable them to develop their potential as outward looking citizens. Our main aims are:
- To empower students as effective learners and users of foreign languages, socially, professionally and academically
- To engender in learners respect of and interest in cultures other than their own
- To motivate and inspire pupils by balancing challenge with support
- To develop and extend competence in using ICT to support language learning
MFL at Key Stage 3
In Year 7, all students study Spanish and follow Schemes for Learning which include: free time, town and region, and myself.
In Year 8, all students continue with Spanish and study: clothes, holidays and food.
In Year 9, all students continue with Spanish and study: health, school and future plans, and holidays. In addition to this, there is the opportunity for some students to also study French.
MFL at Key Stage 4
Students follow the WJEC syllabus in GCSE Spanish/French. Students have 3 lessons per week (a double and a single).
We offer both Spanish and French at AS and A2 level. These both follow the WJEC Syllabus.
Extra-Curricular Activities
The MFL department offer a variety of extra-curricular activities which include: film club, progress club and for sixth formers we have the Foreign Language Leader Award.
The department is committed to providing extra opportunities for language learning and enhancing the status of languages within the school. There is a wide and developing range of links with outside agencies, activities within school and visits and trips to Europe. These include clubs such as MFL film club, events such as European Day of Languages, cultural and linguistic visits to the Anfield Reducate Centre, links with local universities and trips to Barcelona and Paris. All members of the department are active in establishing links with other departments and areas in the school to further cross-curricular developments. A focus this year is developing the leadership abilities of our sixth-form students, who are participating in the Foreign Language Leaders award as part of our enrichment programme.
Five ways to help your child progress in MFL
- Test your child on spellings and vocabulary
- Encourage your child to use her vocabulary booklet for support
- Bookmark 5 foreign-language websites (see your child’s vocabulary booklet for a list)
- Encourage your child to read the teacher’s feedback and act upon it.
- Ask your child to proofread his / her finished work
New Spec GCSE Spanish working party- AQA
Rationale: There are no grade boundaries available for the new GCSE so we have no idea of where the students are at compared to other schools locally or nationally.
What we need and would like from you is for all centres involved to have Yr10 sit SAMs for AQA GCSE Spanish in the Summer term 2017 in a two week window (to be negotiated). We are looking to create a network of schools to collaborate on making a difference to the success of all our students.
What happens next:
– You will receive a spread sheet to input mock results once exams have been completed.
– We will then organise samples and arrange moderation.
– Results will be collated and analysed
– CPD sessions to share best practice will be arranged depending on school strengths eg promoting spontaneous speaking, translation skills etc
We would all have a much clearer picture of where our students are and how they are performing in relation to other schools. Staff would be able to collaborate and share best practice with other schools.