- Year 7
Reading Homework 1 Apple and Google face off in battle of the maps
Reading Homework 2 Canada claims the North pole
Reading Homework 3 The Azure Window
Reading Homework 4 Deep divide over Grand Canyon tourism plans
Reading Homework 5 10 Interesting Facts About Mount Kilimanjaro
Reading Homework 6 Ancient Aquifer under the Namibian Desert
Reading Homework 7 Snow on the Sahara in a week of weird weather
Reading Homework 8 Tribes vs conservation
Reading Homework 9 UK heatwaves and tourism
Reading Homework 10 Climate change Hothouse Earth
Reading Homework 11 New wind farms face opposition
Reading Homework 12 The scandal of massive global food wastage - Year 8
8.1 Reading Homework 1 Apple face boycott over Chinese factories
8.2 Reading Homework 2 Starbucks avoids paying tax
8.3 Reading Homework 3 Fast Fashion Climate Crisis
8.4 Reading Homework 4 Saving the planet each time we dress
8.5 Reading Homework 5 China announces surge in military spending
8.6 Reading Homework 6 War fears rise as Trump dumps nuclear deal
8.7 Reading Homework 7 Superpowers at the Olympics
8.8 Reading Homework 8 Superpower Moon Race
8.9 Reading Homework 9 Svalbard Fasting Warming place on Earth
8.10 Reading Homework 10 The 10 hottest places on earth
8.11 Reading Homework 11 Why is Death Valley so darn hot
8.12 Reading Homework 12 – Modern twist on ancient sun festival - Year 9
Reading Homework 1 Black-spot tourism ‘feeds ghoulish fascination’
Reading Homework 2 Slum Tourism
Reading Homework 3 Death on the Mountain
Reading Homework 4 Modern Slavery
Reading Homework 5 Concentration Camps USA
Reading Homework 6 Gender Pay Gap
Reading Homework 7 China’s Megacities
Reading Homework 8 Improving the favelas
Reading Homework 9 Why Military Intervention in Rio de Janeiro is not Solving Violence
Reading Homework 10 The fall and rise of Liverpool docks
Reading Homework 11 Liverpool Future Development
Reading Homework 12 Work underway to clear the air in Liverpool