Information for Results Days

A Level Results Day will take place on Thursday 15th August and GCSE Results Day will take place on Thursday 22nd August. The school building will be open from 8:00am for students to collect their results. We look forward to celebrating with students the culmination of their work and to help them on their next steps.

A level Results Day 15th August – Information

In the event of a student achieving better grades than they expected and actually exceeding their firm choice university offer, students may wish to apply to somewhere with a higher grade requirement through UCAS Clearing. While we would not recommend this, we would want students to ensure they are informed of the risks as well as the potential benefits. They can be found by clicking the link below.

If, however, a student does not achieve the grades they need for either their firm or their insurance offer then students would be entered into clearing. Clearing is where universities will advertise their vacancies for courses onto which students can enrol. More information about the clearing process can be found here:

Information About Clearing 

Members of the Sixth Form team will be on hand during the day to support students once they have collected their results. Students who may have changed their mind about career choices or University may find the links below helpful:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support you have shown Rainford High School and Sixth Form during your child’s time here.

GCSE Results Day 22nd August – Information

Should your child have achieved the grades they need to enrol onto the Sixth Form courses they have indicated to us, then they will simply need to confirm these choices with a member of staff on the day when they enrol and collect a Welcome Pack. This will take place in the canteen area of school. If students wish to make changes, then they will need to discuss these choices before enrolling and collecting their pack.

If students don’t achieve the required grades to study the courses they would like, please be reassured that members of the 6th Form team and Heads of Department will be available to discuss these issues further and we will try to accommodate individual cases where possible. These discussions will be managed in the canteen area also, and parents can attend to support these discussions if they should choose to do so.

The Apprenticeships links above will help to support students who change their mind about going to Sixth Form or are more interested in an Apprenticeship.

Can’t collect results in person?

If students cannot collect results in person, they can be collected by a 3rd party by prior written permission with the 3rd party bringing identification that matches the name of the person in the written permission. This request should be sent by email to [email protected]

Want to consider a remark of an examination paper?

Forms will be available on the day from Mrs Thompson our Examinations Officer and are also available from [email protected]. Remark fees are typically around £45 per paper and will be confirmed later in the summer.

Finally, we acknowledge that not all students will join us in the Sixth Form so if on Results Day your child chooses to go elsewhere then all the staff at Rainford High wish them the very best in their futures. If your child does decide to stay in the Sixth form, then we look forward to welcoming them into Y12 on 4th September.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, wish you well for the summer between now and then, and look forward to seeing you in August.