SARC – School Around The Child
The System outlined below will supplement the Behaviour for Learning Policy by identifying clear levels of support for students. It outlines the role of all staff involved in the process and clearly shows the next steps for students who continue to underperform and/or demonstrate unacceptable behaviour.
At each stage support and advice can be sought from the Pastoral Support and Learning Support Teams.
Form Tutor Support Stage
The Form Tutor leads this initial stage of the process as they know their students well and should be aware of home, academic or personal issues that might impact on the student. As a result of tracking information provided by the Progress Leader (typically underachievement in 3 subjects) and/or the number of audits over a period of two weeks (5 negative audits), the Form Tutor will implement the process below:
Meeting between Form Tutor, student and if possible parents. If parents are not in attendance they need to be informed of the outcome. A “Student Profile Form” will be completed by the Form Tutor during this meeting and a summary of the meeting will be recorded on the Events Log in eportal.
The Form Tutor will email relevant teaching staff requesting details of subject based interventions/support plans. Throughout the process the subject teachers, in areas of underperformance, must implement relevant interventions and Curriculum Leaders will have an overview of this.
Form Tutor may make referral to Student Support Team for Light Touch Support Brief after discussion with the Progress Leader.
Student to be placed on Student Support Card ~ Form Tutor with agreed targets set by the Form Tutor. This card will run initially for two weeks with one of the following outcomes dependant on how the student engages with the process:
- All targets are met and student performance is back on track ~ the student is taken out of the process
- Targets are partially met and the student is engaging with the process ~ the process can be continued for a further two weeks for a maximum of six weeks in total.
- The student is not engaging in the process and is making little if any progress towards meeting the set targets ~ the student is referred to the Progress Leader and SARC Stage 1 will be implemented.
The Form Tutor must ensure key events are summarised on the student Events section of eportal so that a support log is built up.
SARC Stage 1 (Progress Leader)
This stage will be triggered by one of the following circumstances:
1. Escalation from Form Tutor Support Stage
2. Immediate implementation by Progress Leader due to a significant level of underachievement identified through data tracking or an unacceptable number of audits in a two week period (10 or more).
The Progress Leader will take the lead at this stage contacting relevant subject teachers requesting details of subject interventions/support plans. Throughout the process the subject teachers, in areas of underperformance, must implement relevant interventions and Curriculum Leaders will have an overview of this. The Progress Leader will arrange an initial meeting with the student, form tutor and parents. A Support Action Plan will be drawn up by the Progress Leader during this meeting.
The Progress Leader may request additional intervention from the Student Support team in the form of a “Medium Support Brief” and support from the SENCO in the form of a Learning needs assessment,
The student will be placed on a Student Support Card ~ SARC Stage 1 and agreed targets will be set by the Progress Leader.
This stage of support will last for a maximum of six weeks and will be formally reviewed every two weeks when the Progress Leader will decide whether:
- The student is taken out of the process
- SARC Stage 1 continues for a further two weeks
- The student is moved to SARC Stage 2 as insufficient progress is being made.
SARC Stage 2 (Assistant Principal)
Students will be placed on this stage of the system if they have failed to engage successfully at SARC Stage 1. The Assistant Principal will hold a meeting with the student, parent, Progress Leader and any other relevant professionals.
A “Support Action Plan” will be drawn up by the Assistant Principal during this meeting in the form of an IBP. The Assistant Principal will email relevant teachers requesting details of departmental intervention/support plans. Throughout the process the subject teachers, in areas of underperformance, must implement relevant interventions and Curriculum Leaders will have an overview of this.
The student will be placed on a student support card ~ SARC Stage 2 and agreed targets will be set by the Assistant Principal.
The Assistant Principal will seek enhanced support from the Student Support Team in the form of a “High Priority Brief” and the SENCO will arrange for appropriate support to be provided.
This stage of support will last for a maximum of six weeks and will be formally reviewed every two weeks when the Assistant Principal will decide whether:
- The student is taken out of the process
- SARC Stage 2 continues for a further two weeks
- The student is moved to SARC Stage 3 as insufficient progress is being made and the IBP is failing.
SARC Stage 3 (Vice Principal)
A new support action plan will be drawn up by the Vice Principal during this meeting in the form of a PSP. The VP will email relevant teachers requesting details of departmental intervention/support plans. Throughout the process the subject teachers, in areas of underperformance, must implement relevant interventions and Curriculum Leaders will have an overview of this.
The VP will seek enhanced support from the Student Support Team in the form of a High Priority Brief and the SENCO will continue to ensure appropriate support is provided.
The student will be placed on a Student Support Card ~ SARC Stage 3 and agreed targets will be set by the Vice Principal.
This stage of support will last for a maximum of six weeks and will be formally reviewed every two weeks when the Vice Principal will decide whether:
- The student is taken out of the process and moved back to an agreed stage.
- SARC Stage 3 continues for a further two weeks (up to a maximum of six weeks)
- The student is moved to SARC Stage 3 as insufficient progress is being made and the PSP is failing.
SARC Stage 4 (Principal)
Most students would be expected to show significant improvement prior to this stage. Students will be placed on this stage of the system if they have failed to engage successfully at SARC Stage 3 and are failing their PSP. The Principal will hold a meeting with the student, parent, Vice Principal and any other relevant professionals.
A support action plan will be drawn up by the Principal during this meeting in the form of a revised PSP. Additional support will continue to be provided and teaching staff will provide details of departmental interventions. Throughout the process the subject teachers, in areas of underperformance, must implement relevant interventions and Curriculum Leaders will have an overview of this.
The student will be placed on a Student Support Card ~ SARC Stage 4 and agreed targets will be set by the Principal.
This stage of support will last for a maximum of six weeks and will be formally reviewed every two weeks when the Vice Principal will decide whether:
- The student is taken out of the process and moved back to an agreed stage.
- SARC Stage 4 continues for a further two weeks (up to a maximum of six weeks)
- A managed transfer or alternative education is considered.
When a student is taken out of the process it will be made clear that their current level of progress must now be sustained. If progress or behaviour regresses then the student will re-enter the system at the point they were removed.