Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning at Rainford High Technology College is all about students making good progress. To be sure that progress occurs we expect every lesson to contain four key principles. These are: Engagement, Challenge, Independent Learning and Assessment for Learning.

At Rainford we are continually evaluating the quality of teaching and learning and identifying ways it can be improved for every student.  As a school we are striving to provide the best quality of learning experience for all our students that develop knowledge, skills and understanding along with qualities such as teamwork and resilience to ensure the students at Rainford High become successful, independent and lifelong learners.

We are developing the learners and teachers understanding of what great teaching and learning is so that by working together we can achieve the best results for every child in the school. The classroom is an environment where teacher and student must work together in a focused and challenging environment that allows the student to be supported to take risks in their learning so they can make discoveries, build knowledge and develop understanding.

Teachers work on developing and improving their teaching styles and strategies throughout the year and have the opportunity to be involved in development and coaching programmes to work on becoming the best teacher they can so that every child in every lesson makes good progress.

Teaching and Learning is the key driver to fulfilling the school ethos of Everyone Matters, Everyone Helps and Everyone Succeeds.