Letter from Mr Young 20.4

A Video message from our Leadership Team Video Message

Dear All

I hope you have all had as enjoyable Easter break as the present national circumstances have allowed. I trust you and your loved ones are well and safe. Which leads us to the unusual situation of beginning a new term with few of us present in school.

This new term, however challenging, will lead to opportunity. The adversity the nation and the world faces are beyond all of our direct control but we must all play our small part in the national effort but then be ready to help our community continue and grow through the challenges ahead. I feel we can re-emerge with a reinforced belief that our ethos of Everyone Matters, Everyone Helps and Everyone Succeeds is a strong vehicle for creating a community and a society more inclusive, more effective and more successful for everyone involved.

With our confidence and support of each other strengthened through the present adversity we need to consider how we want our school community to look in the future. The corona virus pandemic has reaffirmed the value of learning, knowledge and the ability to apply those attributes. The need for a well educated society has come starkly to the fore, as someone wrote in a recent news piece about the Co-vid 19 Pandemic, it is science that will provide the only true exit strategy from our present circumstance. The value and importance of education and learning has never been easier to see.

Please keep taking part and engaging during this difficult period. Rainford High is still here and cares (Everyone Matters) and wants you to be safe and making good choices (Everyone Helps) as well as working hard (Everyone Succeeds). As many of you have done already,stay in touch. A letter will come to you today about how we are trying to improve and support your remote learning experience and for students in Y11 and Y13 further information about Centre Assessed Grades will also follow. Please continue to give feedback and get in touch if there are any issues and we will do our best to help.

The challenges we face today can give us real opportunity to make tomorrow a more balanced and fulfilling future for us all. I have attached a short message from myself and the SLT to hopefully offer a little hope at the start of this unusual new term.

Keep calm and stay safe.