Message to Parents from Mr Young 14.9

Dear Parent/Carer

Thank you for your patience and support. We are pleased with the student response to wearing masks in corridors and indoor communal areas. We are looking to reinforce this expectation over the next few days, so please support us in explaining to your children that this is for everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

I can inform you that we have a second member of staff who has tested positive, along with three cases in our student community; two in the Sixth Form and one in Key Stage 4. Having spoken with Public Health England this weekend, at this point they feel a proportionate approach of identifying suspected close contacts, rather than asking whole year bubbles to self isolate for 14 days, is the most appropriate course of action.

We are in regular contact with Public Health and all decisions are made with the best interests of our community in mind, based on the information we have.

Can I ask that parents continue to act in a supportive manner around school drop offs, letting children walk a little further to school to reduce congestion and traffic nearer to the school site.

We will keep you updated when we have concrete information that we are able to share safely and responsibly. It would be greatly appreciated if you can let us know if your child is showing symptoms or has received a positive test result, so that we can manage the situation and inform our community of the Covid 19 situation within the school.


Yours sincerely


Ian Young