Term Time Holidays

You can only allow your child to miss school if they are ill, or if you have received advanced permission from the school.

Getting permission from the school requires making an application to the head teacher in advance, who will decide if your request will be granted.

Where, previously, head teachers could grant 10 days of authorised absence, now they are unable to grant any, except in exceptional circumstances.

Please be aware that Rainford High school have adopted the use of Penalty Notices in line with The Education (Penalty Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, regarding the issuing of Penalty Notices for unauthorised absence from school. If you take your child out of school without permission, you risk receiving a fine of £60, which rises to £120 if paid after 21 days.

Non-payment of a Penalty Notice will result in the withdrawal of the notice and may trigger the Fast- Track Prosecution process under the provisions of Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.