The PE kit is supplied in uniform shops in St. Helens town centre or you can press the links below to order online.
Rainford High School Archives – Whittakers School Wear
Rainford High School | Product categories | Slaters Schoolwear (
Rainford High — Jaymax (
Medical Issues – Kit for all policy
If a student is unable to participate in his or her PE lesson due to illness or injury, they must bring a note from their parents or guardian which explains the reason for non-participation.
Even if excused, students are required to bring their PE kit (including warm clothing for outdoor activities). This is in order for them to participate fully in the capacity of a leader, coach or official. It also prevents their uniform from becoming wet in inclement weather.
Emails sent on the day of the lesson are not always guaranteed to be received by staff prior to the lesson. As a result, a written note remains the preferred method of communication for non-participation.
PE Kit sanctions
In the event where pupils don’t have the correct PE kit but are able to take part in the lesson they will receive a standards detention on the first occasion before moving to an after-school detention for repeated failure to bring the correct kit.
If pupils don’t bring their full PE kit they will be offered the chance to participate in PE with the departments additional kit (washed between use and exchanged for students tie for the lesson).
If students opt not to borrow the additional kit or are unable to take part in the lesson due to kit issues they will be given an afterschool detention for the following day.
PE Kit
In line with the current DFE guidance we have strived to make our PE kit affordable. With this in mind we ask that pupils wear a combination of the options below. For example, a PE polo shirt, shorts and plain black socks would be considered appropriate PE kit.
If parents prefer for financial reasons, students can wear unbranded, colour matched alternatives but these must match the style and colour of our PE kit.
Upper body – Short sleeve / long sleeved Rainford PE shirt
Lower body – Rainford Shorts / Leggings or tracksuit pants – No cycling shorts
Socks – Rainford football socks or shorter length plain black socks
Additional options – pupils can also choose to have an optional extra of the Rainford Hoodie or ¼ zip to provide warmth in the colder months.