Tag: school

Year 10

KS4 Subject Information & Support: including a breakdown of timings and weighting of examinations, key topics, useful websites and useful revision tips per subject studied. Making Outstanding Progress booklet: a guide to how parents and careers can support students at Rainford High.

Parent Letters 2019-20

Improving Punctuality Start of year letter from Mr Young Y7 Letter to Parents KS3 September 2019 Y8 Letter to Parents KS3 September 2019 Y9 Letter to Parents KS3 September 2019 Yr10 GCSE Welcome event Secondary Parent-Carer Letter Y8 Letter to Parents KS3 January2020 Y7 Letter to Parents KS3 January 2020 Y9 Letter to Parents KS3 […]

Letter to Parents

Dear Parent/Carer Welcome back to a new school year at Rainford High. As a school we continue to look to improve and offer a better educational experience for every student. To ensure we can deliver our ethos of Everyone Matters, Everyone Helps, and Everyone Succeeds, as Principal I am asking for every parent and carers’ […]

KS4 Homework

In Key Stage 4, subjects will set at least one homework per week per subject. This should, as far as possible, be time and word limited to develop skills and competencies necessary to be successful. Key Stage 4 homework will be set by the subject teacher and will encourage the on-going building of knowledge and […]

KS4 Assessments

Each department has an appropriate curriculum plan to match the school Assessment. Recording and Reporting calendar, and the dates of mock examinations series are published in advance of the academic year. All subjects assess students to identify and address gaps in students’ learning and to best secure key concepts to ensure progression through the curriculum […]

Creative Digital Media –

To download subject overviews please follow the link/s below: Creative Media

Child Development –

To download subject overviews please follow the link/s below: Child-Development

Computer Science –

Curriculum Intent: The Computing department at Rainford aims to enable students to develop skills and knowledge in Computer Science and Digital Technologies to prepare them for a future in a world where the use of this technology is fully embodied. We wish to enthuse students to have an understanding far deeper than the interface that […]

Design and Technology –

Curriculum Intent: Design and Technology at Rainford is a stimulating, rigorous and practical subject encompassing the four specialist areas of Graphics, Product Design, Food and Textiles. Our curriculum strives to present a range of opportunities for students to develop their creative, practical and technical skills as they design and make prototypes and products that solve […]

English –

Curriculum Intent: Our intent is to share our wealth of knowledge and experience, to imbue our students with a genuine passion for the study of language and literature and to teach them to explore how the subject reflects and captures the world around us.  In doing so, students will develop their skills in reading, writing […]