Dear Parent/Carers
I am writing to you to provide you with an update on our transition arrangements. We understand that the transition from primary to secondary school is a challenging time and we are disappointed that we are unable to bring our new Year 7 into the building before the end of the term. However, we do have the below arrangements in place which we hope will make the transition process as smooth as possible for everybody.
Transition Welcome and Tour Video
On Wednesday 21st July we will be releasing our transition video. This video will provide your child with an introduction to some of our staff members and it will give them a tour of the school. This is with the aim of familiarising your child with the school site and staff before they come to Rainford.
Summer School
On Monday 26th July our Summer School will begin. You will find enclosed your confirmation letter explaining this more. We have written to you previously about this.
One half of the year are attending from Monday 26th July until Friday 30th July and the second half of the year are attending from Monday 2nd August until Friday 6th August.
We have received confirmation from 268 out of 290 new Year 7 students which is fantastic. The Summer School will run from 8:30am to 2pm each day. We are excited to meet everyone!
This will help your child make new friends, familiarise themselves with the school and increase their confidence in attending Rainford through academic and enrichment activities.
Summer Reading
At Rainford High, your child will be encouraged to read as much as possible. To start their reading journey, your child will receive a copy of the book ‘You Are Awesome’ by Matthew Sayed which we would like them to read over the summer. They will either receive this via a visit to their primary school or through the post within the next 3 weeks. As part of the Summer School, your child will be completing some activities linked to this book. We would therefore appreciate your child bringing their copy of the book with them to Summer School.
September INSET day – Year 7 Intake day
On Friday 3rd September Year 7 are invited to attend Rainford from 8:45am until 12:00pm. This will not be a normal school day and therefore school buses will not be running and the school canteen will be closed. Therefore, you will need to make arrangements for your child to travel to and from Rainford and also can you please send them to school with some food for breaktime.
On this day students are expected to wear full school uniform and bring the required equipment for school. This is a pen, pencil, ruler, scientific calculator, red pen, glue stick, wipe board, wipeboard pen and highlighters.
Students will meet their Form Tutor and Form Group. They will then enjoy ice breaker activities and team building activities to help them settle into their form groups. This will then be followed with discussions about transition. It is highly likely we will ask your child to take a lateral flow test on this day as part of the testing process for Rainford to reopen, unless Department for Education guidance around this changes. This is part of our safe reopening plans. We will confirm this nearer to the time.
The focus of this day is to prepare your child for the start of term, which is on Monday 6th September.
We look forward to seeing all of Year 7 on this day ready to tackle the year ahead.
Year 7 Welcome Evenings
On Thursday 9th September we will be hosting our Year 7 Welcome event for parents. This event will give you a chance to meet key staff in the school and receive key information about Year 7. It will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and speak to us about any concerns you may have. We will be providing you with information about our school alongside pastoral and safeguarding updates to help your child navigate their way through Year 7.
We will confirm the arrangements for this evening in September.
The Year 7 team have arranged a fantastic experience for the whole Year group to join The Bushcraft Company for a three day residential adventure at Castle Howard in Yorkshire departing Wednesday 15th September and returning on Friday 17th September 2021. The Bushcraft Company offers residential school trips with a difference, taking students into the wild and giving each and every person a real back-to-nature experience they will not forget. You can view more information about the Bushcraft Company on their website at Further information will follow.
We hope this letter provides you with reassurance that we will be supporting your child through their transition to Rainford to help make it as smooth as possible. We are looking forward to meeting most of Year 7 at our summer school and then on the intake day. We know that their transition is a special time for you as a family as it marks your child moving onto the next stage in their education and lives, which is why we want to support everyone through the process.
If you have any queries please email [email protected] and we will help you.
We wish you an enjoyable summer.
Kind regards
Mr Kenyon
Acting Vice Principal