Dear Parent/Carer,
Unfortunately, I am communicating what you already know; that due to the coronavirus pandemic, Rainford High will be closed until at least February half term, with students, on the whole, accessing remote learning at home.
Our remote learning offer is based on a minimum of 50% live lessons in all subjects, with the rest of the learning time based on supported tasks and activities for students to complete. We will not be offering a 100% live on line lesson timetable, due to the challenges and mental health issues this approach can create for students being in virtual meetings for five hours a day.
At present the Government has confirmed that GCSE and A level examinations have been cancelled but we have not been informed of what process will run in their place. For Year 11 and Y13 students BTEC and Vocational examinations will run as planned this month. We will continue to assess and develop our young people so they can show their ability and be awarded the grade they deserve for their effort, skills, and development during their studies. I will contact you early next week to confirm what this will mean in practice for your sons and daughters.
We will make regular contact with yourselves, as parents, and with our students during this period of lockdown. We will also continue with significant school events online, such as Aspirations Week ( running this week) , Options Week as well as online rewards events to maintain our school community during this challenging period.
We appreciate that this period will bring different challenges for families, so if there are issues around accessing the remote learning provision or anything concerning the well being of your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards
Ian Young