Year Group Welcome Events – September 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

We would like to invite you to a year group welcome event in September. This will give us an opportunity to speak to you about:

  • Supporting your child and useful information for parents about reading, homework and school systems.
  • The role of the Personal Development tutor and Personal Development time

In addition, you will be able to meet with your child’s Personal Development Tutor, Learning and Pastoral Leader, members of the Senior Leadership Team and understand further some of our school systems and procedures.

The dates of the events are below and more information will follow shortly:

Y7 – 13.9.22

Y12 – 14.9.22

Y11 – 15.9.22

Y10 – 20.9.22

Y8 – 22.9.22

Y9 – 27.9.22

Kindest regards,

Mrs Laura Cross

Director of Stakeholder Academic Engagement