At Rainford:
Everyone Matters
Everyone Helps
Everyone Succeeds
We are passionate about supporting young carers at Rainford so that they can succeed.
Definition of a Young carer:
A young carer is a child or young person who looks after someone in their family who has an illness, a disability or is affected by mental health or substance misuse. They are 18 years old or younger and their responsibilities may include cooking, cleaning, shopping, looking after siblings, giving medication, helping to wash and dress and listening to their worries.
Information for students
If you do any of these, why not pop down to see Mrs Sheedy, who is available every break time Monday to Friday in the auditorium where you can ask for Mrs Sheedy to book an appointment with you. You can discuss any issues or concerns you have or have a chat.
Mrs Sheedy can offer you support and advice along with signposting you to St Helens Young Carers who can provide further help, such as activities and guidance.
St Helens Young Carers also come into school every month, so please see Mrs Sheedy for a slot to see them for support or advice.
If you have any questions or would like some help then see Mrs Sheedy or Mr Kenyon. You can approach them in school or you can contact them using either their emails below, the young carers or using SHARP.
Mr Kenyon – [email protected] (01744 885914, Ext. 114)
Mrs Sheedy – [email protected] (01744 885914, Ext. 104)
Rainford Young Carers email: [email protected]
SHARP – Use the school SHARP system to ask for help and we will come and speak to you
Staff Roles
Mrs Sheedy
Young Carers Operational Lead |
Mr Kenyon
Young Carers Senior Lead |
Parent Information
If your child is a young carer, then please contact either Mrs Sheedy or Mr Kenyon for support. We would like to discuss this with you so we can provide the best and most appropriate support for your child. We can signpost your child to young carers who will provide further support. We simply want to help so please contact us.
If you require more information on St Helens Young carers then please go to: