Dear Parents/Carers –
Re: GCSE Results Day 20th August Y11
As this academic year draws to a close it is important to reflect on what we have experienced but also to look to the future. With this in mind we are writing to you to outline some important pieces of information regarding next steps for your child.
GCSE Results Day is scheduled for Thursday 20th August and the school building will be open from 8:15am for students to collect their results. We ant to make results day something special and a way of both celebrating and commemorating your child’s experience due to the Co-Vid 19 Pandemic. Therefore we would like the students to help create a commemorative piece of art as they collect their results by allowing us to collect a thumb print and their initials. The piece of art will then go on display in the school as a permanent reminder to the rainbow year of 2020.
However, we must remind students and their families of some important guidance at this time;
any students or parents who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, should not attend school to collect their results but should contact school to arrange for results to be collected.
Students and parents should follow Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers when planning their travel to school, and walk or cycle where possible.
We must make clear to parents that they should not gather at school entrance gates or doors, or enter the site unless you have a pre-arranged appointment. Please park your car, if you are arriving by one, at the rear of the school.
In the interest of managing the day, we ask that students:
- enter the building without relatives and at the time indicated below in their form groups;
- use sanitising gel on entry;
- follow one way systems;
- avoid gathering together less than 2m apart and avoid hugs/handshakes.
While we know this is not the results day experience that your child deserves, it is what we must adhere to in making this a safe and effective experience for your child. Students will also be able to collect their hoodies on this day and have photographs taken in front of the 2020 flower wall.
We would also ask that students attend at the times indicated below to avoid congestion in the atrium area of school:
8:15am – 11TMM; 11UNW
8:45am – 11RGB; 11DRR
9:15am – 11DXR; 11BYL
9:45am – 11PNJ; 11PNR
10:15am – 11HTS; 11ETR
Should your child achieve the grades they need to enrol onto the Sixth Form courses they have indicated to us, then they will simply need to confirm these choices with a member of staff on the day when they enrol and collect a welcome pack. This will take place in the canteen area of school. If students wish to make changes then they will need to discuss these choices before enrolling and collecting their pack.
Where students would like to access their Centre Assessed Grades, school will be able to provide these from Monday 24th August. Students will need to complete a fom and sign the declaration before returning it to school Reception. Please be reassured of the rigour and process which school has followed in awarding Centre Assessed Grades this year, and parents should know too of the external processes that have been implemented to support this. The links below will direct you to some important information with which you should familiarise yourself:
- a video guide for students;
- an infographic which explains the awarding process;
- more detailed guidance for teachers, students, parents and carers
After receiving their grades, should students wish to discuss the Centre Assessed Grades, they should email [email protected] and a member of the team will respond to your enquiry.
If students don’t achieve the required grades to study the courses they would like, please be reassured that members of the 6th Form team and Heads of Dept will be available to discuss these issues further and we will try to accommodate individual cases where possible. These discussions will be managed in the Science open area of school, and parents will be allowed to support these discussions if they should choose to do so. Your child will need to approach a member of the SLT on the day to coordinate this process.
A representative from Careers Connect will be available for careers advice and guidance as well as a representative from the National Apprenticeship Service to support students who change their mind about going to Sixth Form College or are more interested in an apprenticeship.
If your child would like to sit examinations in the Autumn series to try and improve their grades, information will be available on the day to help support and inform this process. The deadlines to register to sit examinations are:
- GCSE subjects (not English and Maths): 18th September
- GCSE English and Maths: 4th October
Finally, we acknowledge that not all students will join us in the Sixth Form so if on results day your child chooses to go elsewhere then all the staff at Rainford High wish them the very best in their futures. If your child does decide to stay in the Sixth form then we look forward to welcoming them into Y12 on 7th September.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and we hope you and your families have an enjoyable and safe summer.
Yours faithfully –
Ian Murphy