Tag: school

Mock Examinations

The Year 11 mock examinations will commence on Monday 19th November and last for approximately two weeks. All curriculum areas will be covered during this period and should give you and your child a clear indication of how they are progressing in each of their GCSE subjects. Please encourage students to approach this mock examination […]


Please find below links to the generic Y11 revision timetable detailing sessions that are currently running and lead by staff during lunchtimes and after school. The revision timetable has been changed for the Spring term. There is also links to the Easter Revision Timetable and a Letter for Parents about how you can best support your child. Y11 […]

Subject Overviews

As parents, we understand how difficult it is to know and understand what is expected of your child in the many subjects they are currently studying. To assist you in this understanding and give you tips on how you can support your child with revision across different subjects, please find attached an overview for each […]

Year 11

As you know, the upcoming year is going to be filled with many challenges and barriers for you and your child to overcome. Equally, we hope this will be matched by utmost success next summer. As a tool to assist you throughout the forthcoming months, please use this section of the website to access the vast amount of […]

Outstanding Commitment to Sport

Our phenomenal PE department have once again been nominated for Outstanding Commitment to Sport in this year’s Educate Awards. This is their 6th year running and it is a testament to the hard work and commitment that our PE department give, both within the school curriculum and the exceptional work they do in supporting all the sports […]

BBC Music Day

BBC Music Day Performance Last week, 54 of our students took part in BBC Music Day by dancing in a flashmob. MD Productions choreographed the performance.  Students had an amazing time entertaining people on the streets of Liverpool. The setting, under a canopy of bright umbrellas, added a sense of wonder to their performance and […]

Bushcraft Update

Due to the weather Bushcraft have decided to send the students home early. Most students will return to school today and will be here for 3.15 pick up. However, due to transport issues some students will be returning for 6.30 pm. Office staff are contacting parents individually to let you know the arrangements for your […]

Travel Disruption Letter from Mr. Young

Dear Parents, Many thanks for your continued support relating to recent travel issues to and from school. We appreciate this is the start of a new term and there are challenges brought from the Windle Island works so we are grateful for your patience and help in resolving these matters. We constantly liaise with Merseytravel […]

Windle Island Roadworks

We are monitoring the delays and working with Merseytravel to find solutions, and will continue to support arrival times to school caused by congestion en route. Merseytravel have advised that the following buses are available to students from this area coming to and from school: 754,791,792,793. Please see the link below detailing routes, collection points, […]