Tag: school

Rainford High 1000 Mile Run!!!

The Rainford High staff community have come together to meet the challenge of running / walking lots of miles to raise money for THE ROYAL LIVERPOOL AND BROADGREEN UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST CHARITABLE FUNDS.  Donations will go towards helping fight this awful pandemic we are currently facing. Rainford staff plan to run/walk at least 1000 miles […]

Update on the Reopening of Rainford High

Dear Parent/Carer As you will be aware there is considerable speculation about Y10 and Y12 students returning to school for face to face sessions from the start of June after the Prime Ministers announcement earlier this week. At present we are looking at all the guidance and formulating an approach that will make the return […]

Rainford High School Consultation Document May 2020: Classroom Extension

May 2020 Rainford High School Consultation Document Classroom extension   What is being proposed Rainford High Technology College is a PFI building.  We are proposing to build an additional four classrooms located in-between the East Block and Sixth form within the school site. Why it is being proposed The school was originally built for year […]

Rainford Reading Olympics

As we all know, the benefits of reading are limitless. Reading a book on a regular basis strengthens the brain and expands your vocabulary. It also increases your reading comprehension levels. Reading is magnificent for your metal health too; it’s a great way to relieve stress, increases your ability to empathise with others and can even help you to live longer! We therefore […]

Rainford E-Reading Platform

Go to https://rainford.eplatform.co/ to access a wealth of reading resources!

Letter from Mr Young 20.4

A Video message from our Leadership Team Video Message Dear All I hope you have all had as enjoyable Easter break as the present national circumstances have allowed. I trust you and your loved ones are well and safe. Which leads us to the unusual situation of beginning a new term with few of us present […]

GCSE and A Level Grades 2020

Dear Parents/Carers and Students – Re: GCSE and A Level Grades 2020 We hope you remain well and continue to follow closely the advice from the Government regarding staying safe in this time of national crisis. Last Friday, schools received some guidance from Ofqual, the exam regulator, regarding how GCSE and A Level grades will […]

Letter from Mr Young 03.04

Dear Parent/Carers This is just a short message to say thank you for your on going support with the challenges of remote home learning, and your patience, as we try to work out how to maintain a school community without direct contact. We are reviewing our approach and welcome all feedback so we can try […]

Safeguarding and Well-being updates

Dear Parents/Carers, We are keeping in touch with you weekly regarding safeguarding your children and how to access support. Please check the email that has been sent to you on online safety and Roblox – it is an essential read. All previous emails can be accessed here: https://rainford.org.uk/safeguarding-updates/ A key focus right now is on online […]

Safeguarding Notices

Please click the link to download our Mental Health and Well-being Support Booklet Safeguarding email 24/02/2021: Dear Parents/Carers, Please find below a link from the government regarding keeping your children safe. Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) If you need any further support or advice […]